Course Overview

OPQ Tech  helps you learn everything you need to know to advance your tech profession.

Web developers that can work on all aspects of the website are in high demand. Because the market is short on full-stack developers, companies are looking for people who can manage both the backend and the front end. A full-stack developer's remuneration is on the higher end of the spectrum because it is a highly sought-after profession. By enrolling in this programme at OPQ Tech, you can advance your career. A full-stack web developer is a software specialist who is proficient in both front end and back end programming, as well as Angular and NodeJS in particular. Learn the essentials of HTML 5 as well as the fundamentals of JavaScript and TypeScript. NodeJS and Angular advanced concepts, as well as MongoDB concepts Learn how to debug programmes and acquire a certificate at the completion of this course.

Course Details

  • Full Stack Web Developer at OPQ Tech
The term "full-stack web development" refers to the development of a web from start to finish. It is a method for developing both the front and back ends of a website or application. The user interface is handled by the front-end, while data validation is handled by the back-end. When web developers work on several sections or subsystems of web development, the process can become complicated and costly. As a result, today's businesses want full stack engineers who can build strategies for every stage of the web development process and can operate across various stacks.

Course Details
The web is a vast terrain that many people use for business, leisure, or education. This course at OPQ Tech  attempts to address issues such as how these websites are produced and how they work, how various devices such as PCs and mobile devices interact with the web, and what skills are required to build a website. Companies are on the lookout for someone who understands the systems and processes at a high level, can spot loopholes at the front or back end, and can maintain the gap between the two ends, as AI spreads its wings in the workplace and job roles and tasks progress along with new AI applications.

The course is broken down into sections that cover a variety of technologies and frameworks, such as Frontend, Backend, Database, and Debugging. Learn important frontend and backend principles, as well as the entire web development process, technologies, and ecosystems. This course at OPQ Tech  will cover the structure and functionality of the web in depth, as well as how to use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to construct a dynamic and successful web page. Last but not least, select a suitable web hosting service to discover how to publish your webpages. Prepare to take the next step in developing practical knowledge and the ability to work on all parts of designing an application or a website with this Full Stack Web Development course from OPQ Tech.

Skills You Learn
  • Learn both the front end and the back end.
  • You can quickly build your own websites and mobile applications.
  • Can Presume Project Management Responsibilities
  • The project will be completed in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Updates and maintenance are simple.
  • In the entire application, you can simply troubleshoot bugs.
  • In general, they can take full control of the project.

Who Should Sign Up?
  • IT Engineers
  • Freshers, Junior/Mid-Level Executives
  • Math, Science and Commerce Graduates
  • Designers, Developers

Trends in Full Stack Web Development
The web is an excellent platform for full-stack developers to showcase their skills. They may swiftly distribute an app to millions of users and receive immediate feedback. The IT sector is in for a lot more shocks in the next years, and technologies like JavaScript, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Progressive web applications, IoT, and others are existing in the market. Developers and engineers may now construct contemporary web applications that can interactively serve more front-end clients through the web, thanks to new backend infrastructure, larger web access, soaring internet speeds, and the emergence of mobile devices. Developers today are familiar with the frontend, backend, database, and debugging aspects of web applications and can create client and server-side software. But what about now?

At the enterprise level, AI has become a fundamental aspect of web development. Chatbots that respond to enquiries via text and speech while halving expenses have changed the consumer experience. Today's main difficulty for any sector is security, and this is especially true for web development of applications. Blockchain technology shows to be a boon because it tackles security concerns linked to online purchases, financial transactions, and other fields in software development. Developers may now work on both the frontend and the backend thanks to the advantages of JavaScript technology. Full-stack development is becoming more popular as a result of the features of Node.js, Angular, Express.js, and other prominent frameworks. With artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and the JavaScript language, full-stack developers are in high demand.

How OPQ Tech prepare you
  • Extra assignments totalling more than 100 hours
  • Job Opportunities in Full Stack Web Development
  • Free Webinars in Real Time
  • Courses are provided free of charge.
  • Sessions for reviewing resumes and LinkedIn profiles
  • Mock Interviews and Quizzes are available indefinitely.
  • Access to the course material and videos for the rest of your life
  • Experiential Learning in Real-World Projects
  • Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days
  • Offline Job Interviews

Skills you Learn

  • C#
  • Devops

Course Syllabus

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Live virtual classes taught by industry experts

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Cohort based learning with peer-to-peer interaction

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Capstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning

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24/7 teaching assistance with access to learner social forums


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